Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Year, New Class

At this time of year, there is something that sparks inside of me and just makes me want to get out and do and learn. Last winter, I took a photography course through the University of Saskatchewan Centre for Continuing & Distance Education, but this year I wanted to mix it up a little. I feel confident with the manual controls on my camera and want a look at another side of photography, so I am taking a course with Shannon Brunner - a local Saskatoon photographer. Last night was our first class and I am SO excited for the next 9 weeks! There are 6 of us in the class (including myself) and I think that we will all bring something different to the table. Can't wait to see things differently! :)

Our first assignment has to do with natural light portraits. So, I strung up a shower curtain over my very sunny kitchen window and Lily and I had a little fun! Lily is in Rhythmic Gymnastics this year and she LOVES wearing her body suit (the tutu's are more for fun at home)! So, without further ado, here are a few of my favorite shots from today.

So, after loading the images onto the computer, I noticed the very harsh line across Lily's chest from where my super-sophisticated diffuser curtain (aka a $1 white shower curtain from Dollarama) ended. Oppps! Thank-you burning tool in Photoshop. I will definitely remember that and hopefully not make that mistake again! Would have been a lot less time consuming to lower the curtain than try to fix it in Photoshop!!
It wasn't all serious - Lily has MANY faces and she wanted me to share with me.

Did I mention how much I love this little girl??! <3 Oh, and my new camera kicks butt too! :D

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dreaming of Fall

Oh, how we miss being outside. This day was chilly afternoon (as far as fall afternoons go), but now I would take one of those chilly fall days vs. these freezing windy winter days in a heartbeat!! Not to mention that I had the most lovely family to photograph! Thank-you Nicky & Shane (and your beautiful girls) for being so stinking good-looking! :) You made this TOO easy!

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